Impostor Puzzle Master: Sort The Water Colors на компьютер

Рейтинг: 4,5/5 - ‎1 307 отзывов
Текущая версия: 1.3.0
Количество установок: 100 000+
Последнее обновление: 23.04.2024


Версия: 1.3.0
Размер: 51.4 MB
Категория: Головоломки
Разработчик: 20percent
Разрешения: [ еще ]
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One of the best puzzle solving games, Impostor Puzzle Master: Sort The Colors brings you the fun of playing a sort puzzl... [Подробнее…]
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Impostor Puzzle Master: Sort The Water Colors на ПК с Windows

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Установка Impostor Puzzle Master: Sort The Water Colors на компьютер с помощью Bluestacks

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Установка Impostor Puzzle Master: Sort The Water Colors на компьютер с помощью NoxPlayer

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Оценки и отзывы

4,5 из 5 - Оценок 1 307
1 049

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One of the best puzzle solving games, Impostor Puzzle Master: Sort The Colors brings you the fun of playing a sort puzzle and among us combined! Be careful of the betrayal who just invades the spacecraft!!!

Imposter or impostor, It doesn't matter in aerospace. What matters is that the whole space team turns into a coloured mess. All the crew ship members are freaked out after hearing about the impostor's survival. The impostor red went back to the space craft for some impostor solo kill game.

Our space engineers are scattered, each one has a different shape and color. We need an expert color identifier to sort it out or there will be a space war. Sort the colored crewmates in the cabins until all of them are classified. That's the only way to keep the crew craft safe from the betrayal wandering in the spaceship.

1. Use your puzzle logic to match the crewmates with the same color to one cabin. Notice that the cabins have limited space. Each cabin itself is a puzzle box.
2. Only after the whole space is sorted by color can the level end.
3. Try not to get stuck in the mess or the whole crewmates will be in danger.

All in all, if you are familiar with color match, color switch or color finder games, you will get used to this game after 1 or 2 levels. It's even better if you like space games simulators. So be quick guys, we have a lot of coloring puzzles to solve.

- 100% offline and free puzzle game - Super lightweight and can be played on any devices
- Fun, relaxing and easy gameplay.
- IAP to remove ads. No ads option for happy experiences

Overall one of the best puzzle games for kids and adults. Download Impostor puzzle master: Sort the colors and be an aerospace hero today.

Noted that we are not the original imposter game. The original one is “impostor the horror game”, focusing on the imposter vs crewmate while ours is merely a crew tactics puzzles game, among many inspired imposter games.

Curious for other addictive and entertaining games? Find out many puzzle solving games on our store. We offer many fun arcade and casual products (mostly sorting objects, colors and words games) to help you relax.

We bring the best entertainment and happiness in a light way to you. We wish that you have a real good relaxation playing our puzzles games free with your kids.
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