Ludo Okpo: Fun Dice Game на компьютер

Рейтинг: 5,0/5 - ‎1 отзывов
Текущая версия: 41
Количество установок: 5 000+
Последнее обновление: 21.09.2024


Версия: 41
Размер: 165.7 MB
Категория: Настольные игры
Разработчик: Okpo Games
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Подробное описание:
Ludo is a mind refreshing, fun game to play with friends and family. A colorful multiplayer and offline ludo board game... [Подробнее…]
Изображения Ludo Okpo: Fun Dice Game на ПК с Windows
Ludo Okpo: Fun Dice Game на ПК с Windows

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Если вы не любите маленькие экраны смартфона или планшета, то сделать это можно с помощью программы-эмулятора. С ее помощью можно создать на своем компьютере среду Android и через нее запустить приложение. На данный момент самыми популярными утилитами для этого являются: Bluestacks и NoxPlayer.

Установка Ludo Okpo: Fun Dice Game на компьютер с помощью Bluestacks

BlueStacks — популярный эмулятор Android, который широко используется благодаря простоте использования, высокой производительности и полной интеграции с компьютерным оборудованием. BlueStacks предоставляет такие функции, как раскладка клавиатуры и поддержка нескольких экземпляров.

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    + Mac: Дважды щелкните загруженный файл DMG, дважды щелкните значок Bluestacks, нажмите «Установить» при появлении запроса, разрешите установку стороннего программного обеспечения (если будет предложено) и нажмите «Продолжить».

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  4. Запустите приложение. Когда значок приложения появится в Bluestacks, щелкните его, чтобы открыть приложение.

Установка Ludo Okpo: Fun Dice Game на компьютер с помощью NoxPlayer

NoxPlayer известен своей высокой производительностью и различными функциями, улучшающими взаимодействие с пользователем, такими как раскладка клавиатуры, несколько экземпляров и настраиваемые параметры.

  1. Посетите официальный сайт разработчика, чтобы загрузить и установить NoxPlayer. Процесс установки обычно простой и быстрый.

  2. Перетащите APK-файл в NoxPlayer для установки.

  3. Процесс установки пройдет быстро. После успешной установки вы сможете найти «Ludo Okpo: Fun Dice Game» на главном экране NoxPlayer, просто нажмите, чтобы открыть.

Оценки и отзывы

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Ludo is a mind refreshing, fun game to play with friends and family. A colorful multiplayer and offline ludo board game that can be played between 2, 3, or 4 ludo players.

5000+ Downloads!

The most popular Ludo game of its kind is available on mobile and tablets.

This engaging 2D Ludo game has been a favorite for a long time. The dice game is particularly popular in India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nepal, Nigeria, Germany, and Spain, where it's known as Parchís, while it goes by different names in other countries.

Enjoy the latest modern design of the game ludo.

This dice game is perfect for playing with friends and family during your leisure time. Ludo is a simplified version of the Indian Pachisi. In some places, the Ludo game is also known as Parchisi, Dadu, Pachisi, Parcheesi, and Parchisi game. Play this dice game Ludo Okpo. A good casual game in board games.

How the game of Ludo operates:
Ludo Okpo, an entertaining classic board game of Ludo, relies on a touch of luck, and you might have cherished playing it in your youth. Now, you can revisit those fond memories by enjoying a game of Ludo on your phone or tablet. Rediscover the joy of your childhood and infuse nostalgia into your gaming experience with this easily accessible game, which consistently receives updates and introduces new ludo game themes for an enhanced Ludo experience.

Ludo Okpo features:
* The game has a forest theme with ambient forest sounds, making you feel like you're deep in the jungle and exploring.
* Ludo players can enjoy playing in local multiplayer mode with 2 to 4 players.
* Enjoy the finest offline game and online game of ludo mobile game.
* Unlock various boards and dice options.
* Single Player ludo offline: Play against the computer.
* Competitive multiplayer ludo online: Connect with players from around the world Online multiplayer.
* More user-friendly UI and extended support for low-end devices.
* Added a feature to adjust the speed of your tokens/pawns.
* Play with your family and friends through Local and Online Multiplayer.
* Save & Load Ludo game option.
* Multicolored dice with options to tap the dice and shake your phone to roll the dice.
* This Ludo app features realistic design and animations.

Basic rules of ludo:
Each player rolls a die, and the player with the highest roll begins the game. Players then take turns in a clockwise direction. To enter a token into play from the yard to the starting square, a player must roll a six. Players can draw a token from home every time they roll a six, unless the home is empty, or they can choose to move a piece already in play six times. The starting square has two of each player's tokens (doubled). If a player has no tokens in play and rolls a number other than a six, the turn passes to the next player. You will gain an additional opportunity to roll the dice again by knocking out your opponent's pawns.

Enjoy playing the finest offline version of the Ludo game anytime anywhere with your friends and family. Ludo Okpo is a perfect time pass game of Ludo board game.

Ludo classic Okpo is a strategy tablet & mobile game. If you do not want to see ads, you can remove them by purchasing the remove ads in-game item. By doing so, the ads will no longer interrupt your gameplay, and it will also support us in future game development and maintaining the game server.

We hope you enjoy playing Ludo Okpo with your loved ones. We want to make sure you’re having the funniest time playing our fun board game. Contact us at

Dice game Ludo Ok po is the eye catching stylized casual game in the board game genre. Thank you for playing Ludo game Ok fun dice game, and be sure to check out our other games. The multiplayer version of this game is coming soon, so stay tuned.

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