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Cкачать и установить 激カワ!?基本無料のディフェンスゲームまもって!エヴァ姫 на компьютер бесплатно.
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Если вы не любите маленькие экраны смартфона или планшета, то сделать это можно с помощью программы-эмулятора. С ее помощью можно создать на своем компьютере среду Android и через нее запустить приложение. На данный момент самыми популярными утилитами для этого являются: Bluestacks и NoxPlayer.
Установка 激カワ!?基本無料のディフェンスゲームまもって!エヴァ姫 на компьютер с помощью Bluestacks
BlueStacks — популярный эмулятор Android, который широко используется благодаря простоте использования, высокой производительности и полной интеграции с компьютерным оборудованием. BlueStacks предоставляет такие функции, как раскладка клавиатуры и поддержка нескольких экземпляров.
Установить Bluestacks: Если на компьютере нет Bluestacks, перейдите на страницу https://www.bluestacks.com/ru/index.html и нажмите зеленую кнопку «Скачать Bluestacks» посередине страницы. Щелкните по зеленой кнопке «Скачать» в верхней части следующей страницы, а затем установите эмулятор:
+ Windows: Дважды щелкните загруженный EXE-файл, нажмите «Да» при появлении запроса, нажмите «Установить», нажмите «Готово», когда опция станет активной.
+ Mac: Дважды щелкните загруженный файл DMG, дважды щелкните значок Bluestacks, нажмите «Установить» при появлении запроса, разрешите установку стороннего программного обеспечения (если будет предложено) и нажмите «Продолжить».
Скачайте файл APK на компьютер. APK-файлы являются установщиками приложений. Вы можете скачать apk-файл с нашего сайта.
Откройте загруженный APK-файл. Перейдите в папку, в которую вы загрузили APK-файл, и дважды щелкните его, чтобы установить. Вы также можете перетащить APK-файл на экран приложения Bluestacks для установки.
Запустите приложение. Когда значок приложения появится в Bluestacks, щелкните его, чтобы открыть приложение.
Установка 激カワ!?基本無料のディフェンスゲームまもって!エヴァ姫 на компьютер с помощью NoxPlayer
NoxPlayer известен своей высокой производительностью и различными функциями, улучшающими взаимодействие с пользователем, такими как раскладка клавиатуры, несколько экземпляров и настраиваемые параметры.
Посетите официальный сайт разработчика https://ru.bignox.com/, чтобы загрузить и установить NoxPlayer. Процесс установки обычно простой и быстрый.
Перетащите APK-файл в NoxPlayer для установки.
Процесс установки пройдет быстро. После успешной установки вы сможете найти «激カワ!?基本無料のディフェンスゲームまもって!エヴァ姫» на главном экране NoxPlayer, просто нажмите, чтобы открыть.
definitive appearance of basic play free defense game! Guarded me! Eva Princess
Not just cute! Very intense our very own princess is scattered kick the human beings!
"Guarded! Eva princess "is while protecting the player's side, is it Semeotosu the enemy ahead" tower defense game ".
Use the cute princess and the devil of Corps, let's drop the human beings of Jin.
Princess is about defeat if defeat the human, the magic will continue growing. In addition, to strengthen the magic also an item and equipment
I can. In addition, during the battle there is a deathblow useful in a pinch, I will Nagitaoshi the human beings in large destructive power.
Soldiers of Asmodian to fight with Princess, zombie or vampire, such as eight. That the soldiers of the Asmodian also be enhanced with training
Can you.
However, human beings also a potent lineup, it takes hit in princess us. Weapons that make full use armored corps and scientific force of the iron-clad,
Such as the mystery of the black knight to destroy the camp of allies with a single blow, can not be careless also, even for a one o'clock.
Enjoy a full-scale tower defense game that combines elements of RPG and action.
«The" guarded! Eva princess "is this story»
Asmodian and a human is not irreconcilable, it has always fit hatred, and killing each other.
Initially what was Asmodian stood advantage in its mighty power, through the Industrial Revolution, and was to hand the science beyond the magic
They gradually pushed by human beings, finally began Oyobi is war to the Makai.
One day, Makai princess "Eva princess" that yearn to mind gently and peace-loving (and think) human beings is, is a father
The devil of life (or rather, it fooled), landed going to the human beings to Yatsuzaki to the battlefield (princess person is playing with human beings
Going there? ).
Really, or Eva princess who loves human beings would be able to protect the Makai from the human beings?
And, whether it will can to conquer the day or the human world?
Cute and sexy busty princess is certainly please see the fight like shaking the chest.
Surely you should want to save Makai from the hands of the human world of Magic (people). Messiah is surely of you that.
And, earth-shattering deployment of large surprise ending is ... the ending
Butler Toka ... is the princess,
Toka ... the Great Satan fact,
That Anna human world of Prince and ... stick it to the nose and such a thing to become is!
Please make sure in this eye the outcome of startle us.
After ending is also back stage. Please come and challenge the defense RPG of ultra-high difficulty.
● demon introduction of Makai camp
Zombie / Debiruai / Vampire / Goblin / Troll / rich / auger / Death knight
● enemy introduction of human camp
Warrior / Knight (cavalry) / Hunter / magician etc.
● Featured Items
[Costume Hen]
Maid / Bunny Girl / (far cheongsam is pre-registration limited edition items)
[Weapon ed]
Lucifer / Mephisto / cat of hand / Baal / frying pan / Pikopikohanma / Marmon / Asmodeus
[Armor ed]
Hell Armor / Destroy Armor / Ghost Armor / Steel Armor / training clothing / Leather Armor
[Accessories Hen]
Lucifer of heart / Chaos box / forbidden fruit / chaos necklace / protection of necklace / diamond ring / summons of the ring / Inazuma necklace
[Gem ed] weapons and armor, you will be able to strengthen the capacity is attached to the accessory.
Attack Gem / Stan Gem / defense Gem / movement speed Gem / attack speed Gem / target Gem / knock back Gem / stamina gem
These items can be purchased directly Pico in Pico shop, you can earn a random box (Gacha).
Random box, coin box, sundries box, weapon box, accessories box, armor box, it is divided into a gem box can be earned during combat, you can be opened using a Pico.
Also, it is to say with rare box, also exist rare items dedicated box.
Gem, etc. it is possible to consider a bold equipment you do not have to worry about common sense, is also a key item can be advantageous combat. Please consider the various combinations. Gem can also be enhanced by formulating.
Formulation is also important luck, but the combination will also be an important issue. Please to unravel the mystery of the Gem formulated to try variety.
Pico earn that untimely earn gold becomes the point in this game. Pico is there's a billing item, but you can earn Pico is by clearing the Achievements.
In addition, you can connect from the charge to TapJoy. So you can watch the video, you can earn even pico be to install and start the app.
· Infinite tower is let's clear once before going to the back stage. Degree of difficulty goes up at once and go to the back stage. Since the infinite tower is ideal for level-up of the experience value earned, please use well from the emerging timing.
Stage for horse-drawn carriages the defense (patron) is usually increased the degree of difficulty than, but it is not even something that can be cleared if the level is higher. Either with speaking, the monster of put out and kind, Eva princess's own position will be to the point. Even whether to strengthen the capacity which at the time of level up is important. If the level is clogged high of to, and I think that it may review its part.
· Anyway Raise level, or to strengthen the ability which when the level goes up it is important. Also changes the required capacity, depending on the progress. It is possible to reset if you go to the Royal Palace, let's use it well the reset.
And strengthening of monsters carefully. Especially speed might work rather disadvantageous in such stage to protect the horse-drawn carriage. Let aware of the appropriate speed.
[Recommended for people who are doing this kind of game]
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■ a cute bear Te bullying? Play? COMOCOMO (English version)
Japanese version is also in preparation. Full Casual game app free (really free).
Let's play in Pretty bear-chan and forest. Just nursery rhyme of the world!
Sorry because it is for killing time. Let's compete the record in the ranking function and Facebook posting function.
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Dungeon exploration RPG! Battle of the monsters who sleep in a cave. Gold Get Locate the treasure box!
Please play heartily with confidence because there is no Gacha. Is recommended for those non-billing is love.
And then up the attack force in the strengthening of weapons, let's fight to find the weapons of their own good at timing bar.
■ Geki river! ? To observe basic free defense game! Eva princess
You have never seen such a cute princess! Let's Punishment the Makai Princess Evangeline and human beings.
Not just character development! Weapons development and back stage such fun endless!
■ impressed to RPG Sardonyx
Tactics-based strategy simulation RPG of. I will draw the player into the world of full-scale fantasy with beautiful screen and epic story. This quality is to enjoy basic free! Please try.
And whether ... you can solve a case that was full of mystery that unfolds in a parallel world
Please enjoy the masterpiece of blockbuster fantasy RPG.
Guarded me! Please enjoy the Eva princess by all means.
(変身! コスチューム装備 -> 死んでも蘇る / エヴァ姫復活1回)v1.6.26