Surgery Games Doctor Treatment : Kids Doctor Games на компьютер

Рейтинг: 4,2/5 - ‎5 отзывов
Текущая версия: 1.0
Количество установок: 500+
Последнее обновление: 03.10.2017


Версия: 1.0
Размер: 18.8 MB
Категория: Симуляторы
Разработчик: SABRES Games Studios
Разрешения: [ еще ]
Подробное описание:
Being a crazy hospital doctor provide good care of patients in surgery games

Get ready to the city hospital games where... [Подробнее…]
Изображения Surgery Games Doctor Treatment : Kids Doctor Games на ПК с Windows
Surgery Games Doctor Treatment : Kids Doctor Games на ПК с Windows

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Установка Surgery Games Doctor Treatment : Kids Doctor Games на компьютер с помощью Bluestacks

BlueStacks — популярный эмулятор Android, который широко используется благодаря простоте использования, высокой производительности и полной интеграции с компьютерным оборудованием. BlueStacks предоставляет такие функции, как раскладка клавиатуры и поддержка нескольких экземпляров.

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Установка Surgery Games Doctor Treatment : Kids Doctor Games на компьютер с помощью NoxPlayer

NoxPlayer известен своей высокой производительностью и различными функциями, улучшающими взаимодействие с пользователем, такими как раскладка клавиатуры, несколько экземпляров и настраиваемые параметры.

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  2. Перетащите APK-файл в NoxPlayer для установки.

  3. Процесс установки пройдет быстро. После успешной установки вы сможете найти «Surgery Games Doctor Treatment : Kids Doctor Games» на главном экране NoxPlayer, просто нажмите, чтобы открыть.

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Being a crazy hospital doctor provide good care of patients in surgery games

Get ready to the city hospital games where declared an emergency surgery simulator due to an earthquake that has caused quite a lot of destruction and many people get injured. All hospitals are full of people so it’s your duty to start treating patients and perform open surgery simulator like heart, ear, knack and stomach. There is a crowd of many patients in this fun hospital game waiting for checkup and treatment. They are attacked by waste and pollution in various diseases and need to do some doctor medicine games for efficient treatment. Doctors are unbearably very busy with patients and give them a medical game cure. The patients have serious condition, you have to choose proper dose of injections for them. You need to identify the causes of disease game, some of them have injured and bleed, so this is also a part of your responsibility to take care of them.

Become a professional surgeon doctor games, you need to provide treatment for some injured patients. Being a professional doctor game it is your responsibility to take good care of injured and ill patients. The hospitals emergency doctor games room and surgery games room are well equipped with all medical simulation instruments, and machines to perform any operation games with an emergency surgery simulator priority in medical games. Professional doctor not sit in doctor office, operate your own clinic and hospital as well, cure different patients with various diseases along with your nurse simulator. Allow them to progress for more treatments like, mouth bacterias, tummy cure and general treatment. Treat your way through the quirkiest and funniest new diseases in hospital doctor game. Give them proper emergency treatment and surgery doctor where needed to heal their broken arms or legs, stitch the big cut to stop bleeding and dress the wound. The ambulance games has brought a little boy is suffering from arm injury that can affect his shoulders movements. To avoid any other damage, prepare for the bone surgery games and call the arm surgeon simulator quickly. Take x ray bone scanner for operation, and do not operate his arm with shaky hands or crazy doctor games otherwise it would be a massive failure. Keep a deep check on the performance of his bones and muscles in bone doctor games.

In this patients treatment realistic simulation game, your objective is to cure patients and give them your medical hospital games facility at the number one hospital. Develop this hospital games for girls with levels for learning purpose. Addictive and fast-paced gameplay with a funny music. Play as a senior doctor hospital games and prove that your healthcare prowess through careful prioritization and good diagnostic skills.

Patient treatment game features:
• Arm and buttock Injection
• Temperature meter
• Blood pressure meter
• Doctor surgery tools
• Blood group and blood Sugar Test
• Intravenous Injection
• Causes of diseases
• Oral Treatment

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