SMA2018 на компьютер

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Текущая версия: 2.0
Количество установок: 1 000+
Последнее обновление: 31.01.2018


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Размер: 29.3 MB
Категория: Медицина
Разработчик: beyondcom
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Подробное описание:
Dear friends,

This year, the Moroccan Society of Arthroscopy (ADM) has the honor of being the company invited the Congr... [Подробнее…]
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SMA2018 на ПК с Windows

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Установка SMA2018 на компьютер с помощью Bluestacks

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Установка SMA2018 на компьютер с помощью NoxPlayer

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  3. Процесс установки пройдет быстро. После успешной установки вы сможете найти «SMA2018» на главном экране NoxPlayer, просто нажмите, чтобы открыть.

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Dear friends,

This year, the Moroccan Society of Arthroscopy (ADM) has the honor of being the company invited the Congress of the SFA in Marseille from 6 to 9 December 2017.

Our young company, daughter company of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Moroccan Society (SMACOT) was established in 2006 and aims to contribute to the development of arthroscopic surgery and surgery sport in Morocco. Since 2007, our offices and our successive presidents A. Largab, Fire A. Sadiq, MS. Berrada, M. and R. Arssi Haddoun assured the organization of an annual conference of SMA in different cities of the Kingdom.

The French Society of Arthroscopy today French Society of Arthroscopy (SFA) has always been present in our congresses since the first Congress in Marrakech.

 His example has guided us in the progression of arthroscopy in Morocco. The eminent speakers of the SFA have always brought new techniques and important tips in arthroscopy. In addition to bringing us this important cooperation has enabled us to enjoy the experience of our French colleagues in the organization of the University Diploma in Arthroscopy. This Moroccan arthroscopy diploma was registered for Medicine and Pharmacy Faculties of Rabat and Casablanca by directors MS Berrada, A. and M. Largab Arssi. The success of this training is well established with four promotions and 87 graduates surgeons.

These important exchanges have enabled Moroccan orthopedic that the vast majority had not been trained in arthroscopy to require arthroscopic column in different hospitals and clinics. The equipment is slow, the state recognition of this new tool is difficult, including recognition of the cost of interventions and medical devices. What is reassuring is that it is the patients who are techniques seekers arthroscopically.

This year, the SFA and his office, through its president N. Graveleau and A. Sbihi President of the Congress of Marseilles, were involved for us to have a significant presence at scientific conferences, but also granted us the conditions economical for many.

Moroccan orthopedic always make the congress of the SFA but in small numbers. We want as many may find this conference very high scientific level.

That is why we want to answer this and honor our invitation. The SMACOT through its President B. Shagar and its Bureau decided to organize the autumn days of SMACOT Marseille to enhance the Moroccan presence in the congress of the SFA. Their logistical and financial support has been crucial. We worked together for the preparation of a scientific program and a trip to facilitate the presence of the greatest number.

The Office of the ADM thanks all those who are involved in important organization: the offices of SMACOT and SMA who worked in the preparation of this event; and speakers and the speakers who proposed and defended their work. We do not forget the hardware companies and pharmaceutical companies who always support us in our actions.

We thank the members of the SMA already pre-registered. We hope that as many Moroccan arthroscopistes will be in Marseille.

Prof. Ismael F.