Guess The Pic : Puzzle Game на компьютер

Рейтинг: 5,0/5 - ‎1 отзывов
Текущая версия: 1.0
Количество установок: 1 000+
Последнее обновление: 07.01.2024


Версия: 1.0
Размер: 15.2 MB
Категория: Викторины
Разработчик: Crazy4Games
Разрешения: [ еще ]
Что нового:
🔎 Loads of throwback brain teasers and guessing games🔎 Classic Toys and Gadgets trivia packs🔎 Pro version 100 PICS... [Подробнее…]
Подробное описание:
Come enjoy picture quiz levels with over 100 trending pictures. Grab the chance to play quiz gaming for free. We are add... [Подробнее…]
Изображения Guess The Pic : Puzzle Game на ПК с Windows
Guess The Pic : Puzzle Game на ПК с Windows

Инструкции по установке

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Если вы не любите маленькие экраны смартфона или планшета, то сделать это можно с помощью программы-эмулятора. С ее помощью можно создать на своем компьютере среду Android и через нее запустить приложение. На данный момент самыми популярными утилитами для этого являются: Bluestacks и NoxPlayer.

Установка Guess The Pic : Puzzle Game на компьютер с помощью Bluestacks

BlueStacks — популярный эмулятор Android, который широко используется благодаря простоте использования, высокой производительности и полной интеграции с компьютерным оборудованием. BlueStacks предоставляет такие функции, как раскладка клавиатуры и поддержка нескольких экземпляров.

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    + Windows: Дважды щелкните загруженный EXE-файл, нажмите «Да» при появлении запроса, нажмите «Установить», нажмите «Готово», когда опция станет активной.

    + Mac: Дважды щелкните загруженный файл DMG, дважды щелкните значок Bluestacks, нажмите «Установить» при появлении запроса, разрешите установку стороннего программного обеспечения (если будет предложено) и нажмите «Продолжить».

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Установка Guess The Pic : Puzzle Game на компьютер с помощью NoxPlayer

NoxPlayer известен своей высокой производительностью и различными функциями, улучшающими взаимодействие с пользователем, такими как раскладка клавиатуры, несколько экземпляров и настраиваемые параметры.

  1. Посетите официальный сайт разработчика, чтобы загрузить и установить NoxPlayer. Процесс установки обычно простой и быстрый.

  2. Перетащите APK-файл в NoxPlayer для установки.

  3. Процесс установки пройдет быстро. После успешной установки вы сможете найти «Guess The Pic : Puzzle Game» на главном экране NoxPlayer, просто нажмите, чтобы открыть.

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Come enjoy picture quiz levels with over 100 trending pictures. Grab the chance to play quiz gaming for free. We are adding more puzzles on daily basis. You have given a photo search option to name that photo in this fun competitive games. In this trivia video game you have to guess the characters as search by image puzzles. This game does not need any internet connection or wifi. Become the top guess the pic gamer in the world leaderboard in 1 pic 1 word picture quiz. This type of word spring puzzles games are perfect trivia quizzes that are brain whizzle for whole family.

Guess who is in the pics and types its name word by word on the board of characters. Once you complete full word your experience level will be upgraded and moves to another tricky level. Guess the phrase of 100 pics of famous brand logos and iconic logos in the pics quiz game. This 100 PICS Quiz is just amazing games with pictures that is a real brain teaser. We bring great variety of trivia and puzzle games for the whole family that are perfect word games to surround you in a funny way.

Game Features:
🔎 Loads of throwback brain teasers and guessing games
🔎 Classic Toys and Gadgets trivia packs
🔎 Pro version 100 PICS guessing game
🔎 Friendly and funny word and photo puzzle trivia
🔎 Use clues to reveal the word
🔎 Perfect spelling and picture puzzle games for whole family
🔎 Download Photo Quiz for free
🔎 High resolution photos
🔎 Guess what the word is having only one pic
🔎 Be real, don’t use cheats - use your brain!
🔎 New packs are added frequently
🔎 Teaches primary objects and correct object spellings

Grab a cool word guessing game that provides one picture for you. This pictoword game allows you to keep concentration and train your mind. Brain competition puzzle games are picture connect game that offers to guess the Animals, Games, Sweets, Fairy Tales, Pets, Emojis, logo quizzes and more. These wordpuzzles improves your vocabulary and strategy making skills by interacting with games and word finding word feed tricks. Find the word of your favourite logo using hint and move forward toward your another favourite word trivia. Pic vs word if a logo challenge icon quiz for all ages. What’s that word of given pictures?

Playing word puzzle game is easy, you have zoomed icon, you're shown a series of scrambled letters, you can use hints to view close-up of the picture and guess the words. You can remove chars by toggle tapping on it, then complete the catchphrase. Tones of popular logos and pictures to solve. Clues available in cluing unfindables or figure out the answer. Logical game having icon quiz with full of mind teasing activities. Compare your scoreboard where you can check your friends scores and of all playing members of clue games. Many fun trivia questions, can you answer them correctly? as many correct answer you give, you score higher with fun, addictive and challenging one pic one word game.

Guess the word and unlock the levels. New games are added continuously for endless word fun. Simple, interesting and addictive fun is waiting for you. Install Guess the Logo quiz now and let the fun begin. No complicated ways, no registration, no rules just play and have fun! Practice spelling in easy quiz great word games, travel games, trivia quizzes, puzzle games and brain teasers. Name that logo if you like challenge logo quiz packs.
🔎 Loads of throwback brain teasers and guessing games
🔎 Classic Toys and Gadgets trivia packs
🔎 Pro version 100 PICS guessing game
🔎 Friendly and funny word and photo puzzle trivia
🔎 Use clues to reveal the word
🔎 Perfect spelling and picture puzzle games for whole family
🔎 Download Photo Quiz for free