2 3 5 Pro Do Teen Paanch Cards Ultimate Experience на компьютер

Рейтинг: 5,0/5 - ‎1 отзывов
Текущая версия: 1.0
Количество установок: 1 000+
Последнее обновление: 29.10.2020


Версия: 1.0
Размер: 7.7 MB
Категория: Карточные
Разработчик: Girl Videos Film
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2 3 5 Pro – Do Teen Paanch Cards Ultimate Experience [Подробнее…]
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♥️Play 2 3 5 – Do Teen Paanch to enjoy a moment in bored time. It is an astonishing Card Game which is being played sinc... [Подробнее…]
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2 3 5 Pro Do Teen Paanch Cards Ultimate Experience на ПК с Windows

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♥️Play 2 3 5 – Do Teen Paanch to enjoy a moment in bored time. It is an astonishing Card Game which is being played since many decades with 3 Players against replicated opponents playing with advanced individual artificial intelligence. It helps to increase the mind power of the player by memorising card which has been played and those are leftover.

♠️2 3 5 is a strategic trick-based card game played by three players with a deck of 30 cards. The game is widely popular in Asian countries and now trending on most of all western continents.

♣️The game is also know in some places as 3 2 5 or Do Teen Paanch which is merely analogous to viaduct, except that there are three players rather than four, and all play independently. It has total 10(3+2+5) possible tricks which will be collected by the individual collectively. On each dodge, the uppermost led suit wins unless it is trumped or 7s of Hearts/Spades.

♦️The app contains a never-before-seen feature making your card game play tremendous easy and that makes your 2-3-5 or 3-2-5 or Do Teen Paanch or Do Tin Panch game that much more pleasurable.

🃏Playing Tricks of Game:
Every player becomes the merchant one by one.
The merchant has to build 2 tricks, the next person beside him/her (who has right to select the trump) 5, and the left over player need to build 3 tricks.
Distribute the Cards - first issue a set of 5 cards to each, as a single block of 5.
The first player who has right to chooses the trump will select the trump from first suit. Then, the cards are dealt as an additional block of 5 to each individual.
Opening lead is by the individual setting the trump; successive ones are by the one who wins the trick.
The 7 of Hearts and 7 of Spades are chief trumps - the direct does go 7 of Hearts, 7 of Spades, Ace of Trumps, and so on vice versa.
At the end, if somebody makes more than what is obligatory for him/her (like the dealer makes 5 instead of 2), then he/she can pick and choose a card each for the superfluous tricks in the next round. i.e. if player 1 (the dealer) makes 5 and player 2 makes 2 (instead of 3) and player 3 makes 3 (instead of 5), then player 1 has the option of pulling one card from the cards of player 2 and two cards from the cards of player 3 in the next round. In return, he/she can return any of his/her useless (usually small) cards.
In every round, total 10 hands can be made. Dealer has to build 2 hands. The next person (who selects the trump) builds 5 and next player builds 3 hands.
If any individual builds additional hands than required, he gets advantage to choose cards from another player in the next round.
After every round, hands are calculated and after total rounds of play each players total rounds hands will be added as a total hands and player with uppermost total hands will win.

🃏 Thanks for downloading marvellous gratifying game app. Enjoy and make your mood ultimate.
2 3 5 Pro – Do Teen Paanch Cards Ultimate Experience