Mother Simulator 2020: Family Mother Life на компьютер

Рейтинг: 5,0/5 - ‎1 отзывов
Текущая версия: 1.2
Количество установок: 100+
Последнее обновление: 29.12.2024


Версия: 1.2
Размер: 44.3 MB
Категория: Приключения
Разработчик: Game Expo
Разрешения: [ еще ]
Подробное описание:
Play as a housewife in simulator of virtual mother and happy family life. It is the combination of cooking, housekeeping... [Подробнее…]
Изображения Mother Simulator 2020: Family Mother Life на ПК с Windows
Mother Simulator 2020: Family Mother Life на ПК с Windows

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Установка Mother Simulator 2020: Family Mother Life на компьютер с помощью Bluestacks

BlueStacks — популярный эмулятор Android, который широко используется благодаря простоте использования, высокой производительности и полной интеграции с компьютерным оборудованием. BlueStacks предоставляет такие функции, как раскладка клавиатуры и поддержка нескольких экземпляров.

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Установка Mother Simulator 2020: Family Mother Life на компьютер с помощью NoxPlayer

NoxPlayer известен своей высокой производительностью и различными функциями, улучшающими взаимодействие с пользователем, такими как раскладка клавиатуры, несколько экземпляров и настраиваемые параметры.

  1. Посетите официальный сайт разработчика, чтобы загрузить и установить NoxPlayer. Процесс установки обычно простой и быстрый.

  2. Перетащите APK-файл в NoxPlayer для установки.

  3. Процесс установки пройдет быстро. После успешной установки вы сможете найти «Mother Simulator 2020: Family Mother Life» на главном экране NoxPlayer, просто нажмите, чтобы открыть.

Оценки и отзывы

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Play as a housewife in simulator of virtual mother and happy family life. It is the combination of cooking, housekeeping and family caring in this mom simulator. You have to make your virtual family simulator for your satisfaction. You have to keep your house neat and clean. On the arrival of guests, chat with guests and treat them with fresh slices, hot pizza, yummy ice creams and strawberry cakes. You have to keep take care of your dog and also keep your house warm in winter season. In this mother simulator 2020: family mother life, you have to open the new doors and rooms also where virtual family can in happy family games. Mother simulator games are played in all over the world and mostly in European countries. In this virtual hello mom 3d: family mother simulator, you have to explore and discover new ways to interact with family members to keep your happy family simulator. This mom simulator: virtual mother game is a realistic in big house. You have to find more characters that need you and assistance of yours in this virtual mother happy baby twins mother games. You will face new activates day after day, new duties, activities, and much more funny situations. Have you ever handle multiple tasking of mother's and housewife's in your everyday of life?

In this mother simulator family games, your character appearance that way you like also be change as you want. In this new mother born baby happy family games, you have plenty of colors, hairstyles, clothes and skins. You will also be able to participate in challenges and get unique rewards in which you will test your skills to prove you are good of title clever mother simulator game that also make your virtual family proud moment in your happy family simulator game. You can also perform different tasks, like to keep your house warm or glide over the ice floor throw firewood. Try out sound system to listen music and eat sushi or fresh fruits in this mom simulator games. Try to make yourself a cup of coffee and you also get angry when something is going out of control in this virtual mom simulator 2020: family mother life. You are a virtual mother and you have to be concentrated, lazy, happy mother or in any other case devil mother. You have to follow rules in your virtual world and your virtual family. As a single mom, you have to take care of your family with housekeeping as we already told you in mom games.

In mother virtual games, you have to wake up early in morning and prepare breakfast for your family. Try to buy grocery items also from the nearest market in the absence of virtual dad. You are responsible of happy family simulator, so you have to prepare lunch for your family and water's the plants in this best mom simulator of 2020 games. Mother have to mange family life without virtual dad and complete challenges of life of a virtual mommy as single parent. You also have to feed family pet dog and new rabbits, parrot for the kids. Buy up gifts from market and celebrate the birthday of you children also. You also have to complete car driving missions to visit park to paly fun games with your kids. Meet up with your family members and invite them for party. If you love to play virtual family and virtual dad games then you must have to try this virtual single mom game.

Mother simulator 2020: Family Mother Life Features:
- School life and car driving missions
-Different fun games in the park
-Different household activities
-Play as kid in school days
-Smooth, Easy and Intuitive Controls
-Cook and Serve the Food to your Family